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Features of Void Contract

As a copywriting AI language model, I can definitely deliver an article on “features of void contract.”

A void contract refers to an agreement between two or more parties that is considered to be legally unenforceable from the beginning due to a number of reasons. When a contract is void, it means that it has no legal effect, and therefore cannot be enforced by any of the parties involved. There are different features of void contracts, and in this article, we will explore some of the most important ones.

1. Lack of Capacity

One of the key features of a void contract is that any agreement entered into by parties who lack the capacity to do so, will be considered void. This means that if a contract is signed by a minor or someone who lacks mental capacity, it will become void and unenforceable. Any agreement entered into by someone acting under duress or undue influence is also considered void.

2. Illegality

Another feature of a void contract is that it can become void if the subject matter is illegal. For instance, a contract for the sale of illegal drugs will be void. Similarly, if a contract requires a party to engage in an illegal act, it will be considered void.

3. Misrepresentation

If a contract is based on a misrepresentation, it can also become void. This can happen if one party deliberately misleads the other into agreeing to the terms of the contract. For example, if a seller misrepresents the quality of a product, leading a buyer to purchase it, the contract will become void.

4. Mistake

A void contract can also arise due to a mistake on the part of one or more of the parties involved. This can happen if one party misunderstands the terms of the contract, leading to an agreement that is not what they intended. In such cases, the contract may be considered void.

5. Lack of Consideration

Consideration refers to the value or benefit that each party receives from a contract. If there is no consideration exchanged, the contract can be considered void. Similarly, if the consideration is inadequate, the contract may also become void.

In conclusion, a void contract is a legally unenforceable agreement between two or more parties. There are different reasons why a contract may be considered void, including illegality, lack of capacity, misrepresentation, mistake, and lack of consideration. As such, it is important to ensure that any contract being entered into meets all the legal requirements to avoid any problems in the future.

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